The Tralala's is een soloproject. Op de drums na (want samples) bespeel ik alle instrumenten. Op "The Slow Thin Air" heb ik hulp van Marcel Bosch & Ton vd Bergh (mijn maatjes van onze band Hey Joost!) die resp. de viool & gitaar bespelen . Gerard Kortooms speelt de basgitaar op "Where Are You".
alle visuals op deze pagina werden door mij gemaakt.
THNX guys!!
The Tralala's is a solo project. Except for the drums (because of samples) I play all the instruments. On "The Slow Thin Air" I have help from Marcel Bosch & Ton vd Bergh (my buddies from our band Hey Joost!) who play the violin & guitar respectively. Gerard Kortooms plays the bass guitar on "Where Are You".
All visuals on this page were made by me.
THNX guys!! MO
Pers reacties / press reactions:
By the way, check this out:
Original Tralala's design 2006
Copycats design 2012
No doubt! The Tralala's have the meanest motherfucking gorilla!! Them Pebbles will find out !!! We're gonna sue them pussies !!!!!!!!!!
Thank you for making it happen on stage! The Tralala's live band:​ Ton vd Bergh - guitar (ex Hey Joost!), Luuk Bergervoet - guitar, Peter Nobbe - guitar (Pop Goes The Weasel), Gerard Kortooms - bass (ex L'Attentat & Tiener Geluk), Valentijn Jiskoot - bass, Ralph v Creij - bass, Thijs Romeijn - drums (ex Krezip), Erwin Werkers - drums, Fokke Rosier - drums.
You see photo's of our shows on top of backdrops of albumcovers of my favourite musicians.: Jimi Hendrix, The Doors, Prince, Nick Cave, Foo Fighters, Red Hot Chili Peppers, The Rolling Stones, Rage Of The Machine, Dire Straits, Peter Gabriel, David Bowie, U2, Godley & Creme, King Crimson, The Sound, J J Cale, Radio Head, Queens Of The Stone Age.
The Tralala's is a soloproject. Apart from the drums (samples) I play all the instruments. On "The Slow Thin Air" Marcel Bosch & Ton vd Bergh (my Hey Joost! buddies) help me out playing violin & guitar. Gerard Kortooms plays the bassguitar on "Where Are You". THNX guys!!